World-Class Safety Culture
We are committed to a Zero Harm workplace where our principal focus is to ensure that all of our employees go home every day without injury. Our goal is to provide a safe work environment for our employees, business partners, subcontractors, and customers. At Tilcon Connecticut, safety starts on day one. Our safety culture shines through employee actions of working safe, mentoring co-workers, and evolving best practices.
Best Practice
The sharing of best practices is a critical component that enables us to maintain our outstanding safety records. Tilcon Connecticut is a key participant in the CRH Americas Materials Safety Best Practice Group, organized by our parent company, CRH Americas Materials. We recognize that sharing successes, failures, and experiences allows us to capitalizes on the synergies between companies to benefit the organization as a whole. Sharing these best practices among CRH Operating Companies helps promote a safety-first mindset among our workforce.

A safety-first mindset is essential at Tilcon Connecticut. Our people do the right thing even when no one is looking. We have established a process of open communication with a commitment to safety that includes a pledge of personal responsibility. We expect to work as a team, watch out for each other, speak up when we SEE an unsafe condition, and if we do, STOP immediately and DO something to correct it.
Safety Training
Training is the foundation to achieving Zero Harm. We believe that in-class education, hands-on training, and providing industry-leading personal protective equipment to our employees can help prevent and avoid hazards that have the potential to cause serious harm.

All Tilcon Connecticut Operation's employees receive comprehensive safety training when they join our team and continuously throughout their career with us.
On boarding includes training at the safety department that covers all Tilcon Connecticut policies and procedures, OSHA and MSHA compliance requirements, and hands-on demonstration for an interactive learning process. Employees are provided with all the necessary safety equipment; some examples include eye and face protection, hearing protection, fall protection, etc. Training continues on the job with a mentor that has been selected from our experienced operations staff. Our training continuously improves and updates to offer the most advanced experience possible.
Safety at Tilcon
Our employees are required to perform daily inspections and address potential hazards and safety issues promptly during their day-to-day activities.
Our employees actively engage in being proactive in identifying hazards before an incident occurs. All lines of business and locations have volunteer safety committees that develop best-practice and award-winning solutions to some of the hazards faced throughout the job.

Safety First
The Tilcon Connecticut employees set us apart from others in the industry. It is not uncommon to have second, third, and fourth generations working at our facilities. We will continue our success and dedication to the health and safety of all our employees - our most valued asset!