Our People
Emily Trezza, Project Manager and Estimator for Tilcon Shares an Overview of Her Career in Construction

Emily Trezza, Project Manager and Estimator for TCT shares an overview of her career in construction with us.
“I currently am a Project Manager and estimator in the Construction Division at Tilcon Connecticut. I work to bid, manage and execute projects that are awarded in the heavy highway portion.
As a Project Manager and Estimator, I look at the job from the beginning to the end. First, when a project is put out to bid, I work to review the job and perform a takeoff to confirm the quantities needed. If and when we are awarded the project, I coordinate with the subcontractors and owner to have a successful start of the job. Throughout, it is vital to be in constant communication with all parties involved to make sure everything gets accomplished successfully. If any problems arise, then it is important as the Project Manager to either set up meetings or get in contact with the correct parties to resolve in a timely manner.
The best part about working in the construction industry is seeing the final product and how it will have a positive impact for future users. Being a Project Manager and Estimator allows for me to have oversight of the job for the entire duration. Having the ability to see the original plans on paper and then bringing it to life for everyday use for other people is very rewarding.
It can be overwhelming at first, but women have very strong skills and assets that can be applied in the industry. There are many people within the industry that will help and guide you along, but I definitely would encourage women with an interest in construction to pursue the career. It is a very rewarding experience and you are always challenging yourself. Things are always changing and evolving so you will have the ability to learn new tasks every day!”